Men’s Breakfast
Friday Mornings @ 9:00 AM
Sept – May
at Biff’s Kitchen on North Atlantic Ave
Come for breakfast and discussion on the scripture reading for the following Sunday.
“Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.”
– Psalm 95:1
Zion has an active and dedicated music ministry for all ages! Its choirs, both vocal and instrumental, use their talents to give back to congregation in many ways, praising God through their music.
Prayer Shawls
1st Thursday of each month @ 10:00 AM
in Zion’s Fellowship Hall
Prayer shawls are gifts of hope, comfort, peace, and love for those who are going through a journey of physical illness or emotional stress. They have been gifted to many people in the surrounding area and across the country.
It is not only prayer shawls that keep the women of Zion’s fingers flying. They donate hats, scarves, and hats to the annual Spirit of Giving and bereavement afghans to Sanford Hospital.
“We are not only from Zion but from other churches as well. We are not just a bunch of ladies that sit around drinking coffee, clinking our knitting needles and crochet hooks together. We have become sisters in fellowship; we laugh, cry, pray, and lean on each other as we make a physical expression of our prayers and a reminder of our love and God’s blessings.
We always need more knitters and crocheters. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, we will teach you! Just bring your crochet hook or knitting needles.”
Contact: Deb Holtan at 218-449-4645 or 218-686-3758
Stay Active and Independent For Life
An hour-long strength, balance and fitness class taught by qualified instructors.
Exercise Classes:
- Mondays & Thursdays @ 9:00 AM
Sail is an evidence-based intervention program created to reduce fall risk factors in older adults sponsored by the RSVP of the Red River Valley.
The class includes aerobics, balance exercises, strength training with hand and ankle weights, and stretching exercises that can be done sitting or standing. There are up to 20 participants in each class.
There is no cost to join the program, but participants must have a doctor’s permission slip to start. They also must register with RSVP in Crookston and fill out the proper forms.
Spirit of Giving
1st Saturday of December
in Zion’s Fellowship Hall
Each year since 2009, Zion has hosted its Spirit of Giving free shopping event each December. The congregation and the community share new and gently used clothing, household items, toys, Christmas decorations, decor, etc. Thanking God for His bountiful gifts by sharing with others has been a blessing for everyone.
1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month @ 1:00 PM
in Zion’s Fellowship Hall
The quilting ladies have been long-standing busy bees in Zion. They task themselves with cutting quilt pieces, sewing them together, adding batting and backings, and tying them. The final product creates a lasting bond between the ladies who lovingly create the quilts and neighbors around the world who receive them in times of need through Lutheran World Relief and other organizations
You don’t need to know how to sew to come to quilting sessions! In addition to the quilt making, anyone interested in cutting diapers or working with the kits we send to LWR are welcome to come.
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Ladies of WELCA meet monthly for Bible study led by the pastor, fellowship, refreshments and business discussion. Individual circles meet monthly. Summer meetings are shared with other Thief River Falls ELCA churches, Redeemer and Trinity.
WELCA supports several local and world mission projects, including reaching out to homebound members, assisting in payment for VBS and Bible camps fees, refreshments for the Holiday Train, donations to Hospice, Falls Delivered Meals, TRF Violence Intervention, TRF Area Food Shelf and other various synod and national WELCA projects.
Each year they make and donate materials for about 50 quilts, 60 baby care kits, 55 school kits and 225 personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief.
These supportive projects are made possible by income from WELCA members, serving congregational funerals, and Thrivent benevolence.